dr. Małgorzata Bronikowska |
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Scientific interests
- numerical modelling of geological processes
- solar System small bodies and their influence on shaping the surface of the Earth
- numerical methods for simulating shock deformations in soft-sediments
Grants and scholarships
- National Science Centre Grant Preludium 2019/33/N/ST10/00095 Numerical modeling of deformation structures induced by seismicity (Head)
- National Science Centre Grant Opus 2015/19/B/ST10/00661 – Recognition of traces left by earthquakes in Pleistocene sediments affected by glacio-isostatic rebound in the Baltic Sea Basin – GREBAL (PhD student)
- NAWA Iwanowska Programme at RWTH Aahen University (Polish National Agency for International Exchange) Head (1.09.2020 – 1.03.2021)
- Scholarship at RWTH Aachen University (23.01 – 23.04.2020) no POWR.03.05.00-00-Z303/17
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., 2022 – How to model seismites? Numerical solutions for soft sediment deformation structures problem. International Field Symposium of the Peribaltic Working Group INQUA ‘Quaternary evolution of the Eastern Baltic region: from glaciations and interglacials to the recent global warming’, Lithuania, Latvia.
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J., 2022 – Dropstone deposition process – insight from comprehensive numerical model. International Field Symposium of the Peribaltic Working Group INQUA ‘Quaternary evolution of the Eastern Baltic region: from glaciations and interglacials to the recent global warming’, Lithuania, Latvia.
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., 2019 – Traces of seismic waves in Pleistocene, glaciolacustrine sediments. Case study from Usedom Island (NE Germany). INQUA Congress 25-31.07.2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Mleczak, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bronikowska, M., Van Loon, A.J. 2018 – Dumpstony – zapis depozycji gór lodowych w osadach glacilimnicznych zlodowacenia wisły (Rugia, NE Niemcy), POKOS 7, 4-7.06.2018, Góra Św. Anny.
- Bronikowska, M., Belzyt, Sz., Pisarska-Jamroży, M. 2018 – Struktury deformacyjne w nieskonsolidowanych osadach plejstoceńskich w otoczeniu Basenu Morza Bałtyckiego, POKOS 7, 4-7.06.2018, Góra Św. Anny.
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M. 2018 – Modelowanie numeryczne struktur deformacyjnych powstałych w wyniku propagacji fali sejsmicznej w nieskonsolidowanych osadach, POKOS 7, 4-7.06.2018, Góra Św. Anny.
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M. 2018 – Warunki depozycji dropstonów w ujęciu numerycznym, POKOS 7, 4-7.06.2018, Góra Św. Anny.
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M. 2017 – Hydrocode modeling of sesimic deformation structures – assumptions and preliminary results. PATA DAYS 2017: 8th International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 13-16.11.2017, Blenheim, New Zealand.
- Losiak, A., Joeleht, A., Plado, J., Szyszka, M., Wild, E. M., Bronikowska, M., Belcher, C., Kirsimae, K., Steier, P. 2016 – Dating Ilumetsa craters (Estonia) based on charcoal emplaced within their proximal ejecta. Lunar and Planeteray Science XLVIII (2017), 20-24.03.2017, The Woodlands, Texas.
- Losiak, A., Joeleht, A., Plado, J., Szyszka, M., Wild, E. M., Bronikowska, M., Belcher, C., Kirsimae, K., Steier, P. 2017 – Formation (and dating) of small impact craters on Earth as an analogue for Mars (Ilumetsa Craters Estonia). 19Th EGU General Assembly, EGU 2017, 23-18.04 2017, Vienna, Austria.
- Jopek, T. J., Bronikowska, M. 2016 – Probability of coincidental clustering among the orbits of small bodies. Meteoroids 2016, 6-10.06.2016 Noordwijk, Netherlands.
- Bronikowska, M., Artemieva, N.A., Wunnemann, K., Szczuciński, W. 2016 – Determination of meteoroid entry parameters for terrestrial strewn fields. Meteoroids 2016, 6-10.06.2016 Noordwijk, Netherlands.
- Bronikowska, M., Artemieva, N.A., Wunnemann,K., Szczuciński, W. 2016 – Reconstruction of the Morasko meteoroid impact: from atmospheric entry to individual crater formation. 79th Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, 7-12.08.2017 Berlin, Germany.
- Bronikowska, M., Artemieva, N.A., Wunnemann, K., Szczuciński, W. 2016 – Determination of meteoroid dynamical properties for terrestrial strewn fields by numerical modeling. 79th Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, 7-12.08.2017 Berlin, Germany
- Zhu, M.-H., Bronikowska, M., Losiak, A. 2016 – The formation of Kaali crater estonia: insight from numerical modeling. 9th Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, 7-12.08.2017 Berlin, Germany.
- Losiak, A., Belcher, C., Hudspith, V., Bronikowska, M., Zhu, M.-H., Joeleht A., Plado, J. Wilk, J. 2016 – Kaali Impact Crater: Impact-Produced Charcoal Sheds Light on the Processes Associated with the Formation of Small Craters. th Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, 7-12.08.2017 Berlin, Germany.
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J. 2021 – First attempt to model numerically seismically-induced soft-sediment deformation structures – a comparison with field examples. Geological Quarterly 65: 60.
- Bronikowska, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J., 2021 – Dropstones deposition – results of numerical modelling of deformation structures, and implications for the reconstruction of the water depth in shallow lacustrine and marine successions. Journal of Sedimentary Research 91, 507-519. doi: 2110/jsr.2020.111
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J. (Tom), Bronikowska, M. 2018 – Dumpstones and dropstones as records of overturning ice rafts in a Weichselian proglacial lake (Rügen Island, NE Germany). Geological Quarterly 62: 917-924
- Bronikowska M., 2018 – Kierunek przylotu oraz parametry fizyczne meteoroidu Morasko wraz z ich implikacjami dla elipsy rozrzutu. Acta Societatis Metheoriticae Polonorum 9: 17-29.
- Bronikowska M. 2018 – Jak powstały Kratery Morasko? Rewizja istniejących poglądów dotyczących genezy zagłębień w rezerwacie pod Poznaniem. Acta Societatis Metheoriticae Polonorum 9: 30-41.
- Jopek, T. J., Bronikowska, M. 2017 – Probability of coincidental similarity among the orbits of small bodies – I. Pairing. Planetary and Space Science, doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2016.12.004
- Bronikowska, M., Artemieva, N. A., Wunnemann, K. 2017 – Reconstruction of the Morasko meteoroid impact – Insight from numerical modeling. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 1-18, doi: 10.1111/maps.12882