dr. Szymon Belzyt E-mail: szymon.belzyt@uwr.edu.pl |
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Scientific interests
- soft-sediment deformation structures
- neotectonics and earthquake geology
- ore mineralization in fault zones (Legnica-Głogów Copper District, SW Poland)
- geology and mineral resources of Lower Vistula region (N Poland)
- ore geology, petroleum geology
Grants and scholarships
- National Science Centre Grant Opus 2015/19/B/ST10/00661 – Recognition of traces left by earthquakes in Pleistocene sediments affected by glacio-isostatic rebound in the Baltic Sea Basin – GREBAL (PhD student)
- NAWA Iwanowska Programme – The micromorphology of liquefaction-induced soft-sediment deformation structures – a new approach in analysis of deformations triggered by seismic shock at Aarhus University 09.2019-02.2020
- Sholarship at Korean Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (5.04-5.05.2019) no POWR.03.05.00-00-Z303/17
- National Science Centre Grant Preludium 2019/35/N/ST10/03401 – Microstructural analysis and microsedimentology of soft-sediment deformation structures within glacigenic sediments – a key for understanding the sediment mass transport and its impacts in contemporary and ancient glaciated areas (Head)
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Bitinas, A., Börner, A., Bronikowska, M., Damušytė, A., Hang, T., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Krievāns, M., Lamsters, K., Mleczak, M., Nartišs, M., Obst, K., Rosentau, A., Rother, H., Steffen, H., Van Loon, A.J., Woronko, B., Woźniak, P.P. 2022 – Recognition of sedimentological traces left by Pleistocene earthquakes in the Southern Peribalticum area – the GREBAL project summary. International Field Symposium of the Peribaltic Working Group INQUA ‘Quaternary evolution of the Eastern Baltic region: from glaciations and interglacials to the recent global warming’, Lithuania, Latvia.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S. 2019 – Is there any relationship between occurrence of soft-sediment deformation structures caused by Pleistocene seismicity and induced by glaciotectonics? 7th International Colloquium on Historical Earthquakes & Paleoseismology Studies, 4-6.11.2019, Barcelona, Spain.
- Woźniak, P.P., Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Nartišs, M., Lamsters, K., Woronko, B. & Bitinas, A., 2019 – Multiple deformed layers in Weichselian lacustrine sediments at Baltmuiža, western Latvia. Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group 7-13.09.2019, Greifswald, Germany.
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bitinas, A., Jusienė, A. & Woronko, B., 2019 – Differences between periglacially-, seismicity-related and glacitectonically-trigerred soft-sediment deformation structures, case study from Slinkis site (Central Lithuania). Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group 7-13.09.2019, Greifswald, Germany.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Woronko, B., Bujak, Ł., Bitinas, A., Belzyt, S. & Mleczak, M. 2019 – Load casts and pseudonodules as indicative soft-sediment deformation structures of glaciolimnic kames. Field Symposium of the INQUA PeriBaltic Working Group 7-13.09.2019, Greifswald, Germany.
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Woronko, B. & Bitinas, A., 2019 – Multiple sandwich-like layers with soft-sediment deformation structures in glaciolacustrine succession of Dyburiai site, NW Lithuania. INQUA Congress 25-31.07.2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Belzyt, S., Bitinas, A., Börner, A., Damušytė, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Rother, H., Van Loon, A.J. & Woronko, B., 2019 – Traces of glaciation-induced earthquakes in front of an advancing Pleistocene ice-sheet. Case studies from Germany and Lithuania. INQUA Congress 25-31.07.2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Woronko, B., Bujak, Ł., Bitinas, A., Belzyt, S. & Mleczak, M., 2019 – Large-scale deformation structures characterize glaciolacustrine kame sediments—a new kame-investigation approach. INQUA Congress 25-31.07.2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Woronko, B. & Bitinas, A., 2019 – Soft-sediment deformation structures caused by three trigger mechanisms. Case study from Slinkis, Central Lithuania. INQUA Congress 25-31.07.2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Woźniak, P.P., Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Lamsters, K., Nartisš, M. & Woronko, B., 2019 – Pleistocene glaciolacustrine sediments with multiple, sandwich-like deformed layers (Baltic Sea bluff at Baltmuiža, western Latvia). INQUA Congress 25-31.07.2019, Dublin, Ireland.
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H. & Van Loon A. J. (Tom) 2018 – Sejsmiczny mechanizm powstania struktur deformacyjnych w plejstoceńskich osadach nieskonsolidowanych w stanowisku Dwasieden (wyspa Rugia, NE Niemcy). [W:] A. Kostrzewski, A. Stach, M. Majewski (red.), Geneza, litologia i stratygrafia utworów czwartorzędowych, t. VII, IGIG UAM, Poznań: 17-21.
- Börner, A., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H., Van Loon A. J. (Tom) & Hoffmann, G., 2018 – First evidence of glacio-isostatically induced crustal faulting in front of an advancing land-ice sheet (Rügen Island, NE Germany). [In:] Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bitinas, A. (eds): Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Excursion guide of International Palaeoseismological Field Workshop, 17–21stSeptember 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania, 50.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H. & Van Loon, A.J. (Tom), 2018 – Soft-sediment deformation structures induced by glacio-isostatically triggered faulting in front of an advancing Pleistocene ice sheet (Rügen Island, NE Germany). The 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Malta, no ESC2018-S42-62.
- Woronko, B., Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bujak, Ł., 2018 – Spękane klasty w glacitektonicznie zaburzonych osadach (Koczery, E Polska). XX polsko-ukraińskie seminarium terenowe w ramach cyklu ‘Stratygraficzna korelacja lessów i osadów lodowcowych Ukrainy i Polski’ Klimatyczne cykle plejstocenu w zapisie sekwencji osadowej Niziny Podlaskiej. 2-5 lipca 2018 r., Mielnik, 28-29.
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H., Van Loon, A.J., 2018 – Soft-sediment structures induced by earthquakes in front of the advancing Scandinavian Ice Sheet on Rügen Island (NE Germany). 9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 25-27 June 2018, Possidi, Halkidiki, Greece.
- Van Loon, A.J., Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., 2018 – Ground fissures related to the 2016 Kaikoura (New Zealand) earthquake – a discussion about their enigmatic origin. 9th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 25-27 June 2018, Possidi, Halkidiki, Greece.
- Bronikowska, M., Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., 2018 – Struktury deformacyjne w nieskonsolidowanych osadach plejstoceńskich w otoczeniu Basenu Morza Bałtyckiego, POKOS 7, 4-7.06.2018, Góra Św. Anny.
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J., Börner, A., Rother, H., 2017 – Evidences of glacio-isostatic rebound in Germany, Poland and Lithuania – an overview of the GREBAL project. PATA DAYS 2017: 8th International Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archeoseismology, 13-16.11.2017, Blenheim, New Zealand.
- Belzyt, S., Börner, A., Rother, H., Pisarska‐Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J., Baldus, T., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., 2017 – New evidence of Late Weichselian paleoseismic activity in NE Germany. 5th International Colloquium Historical Earthquakes, Paleoseismology, Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard, 11-13.10.2017, Hannover, Germany.
- Belzyt, S., Woronko, B., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bujak, Ł., 2017 – Spękane żwiry(ruptured pebbles) w osadach morenowych zdeformowanych glacitektonicznie, stanowisko Koczery (E Polska). XXIV Konferencja Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski – Czwartorzęd pogranicza niżu i wyżyn w Polsce Środkowej, 4-8.09.2017 r., Wawrzkowizna k/Bełchatowa.
- Börner, A., Rother, H., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J. Belzyt, S., 2017 – The GREBAL project – general overview about active tectonics and glacio-isostatic rebound in NE Germany. XXIV Konferencja Stratygrafia Plejstocenu Polski – Czwartorzęd pogranicza niżu i wyżyn w Polsce Środkowej, 4-8.09.2017 r., Wawrzkowizna k/Bełchatowa.
- Belzyt, S., Woronko, B., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bujak, Ł. 2017 – Glacitectonically-deformed moraine sediments with ruptured pebbles, Koczery study site, E Poland. International Field Symposium – From past to present – Late Pleistocene, last deglaciation and modern glaciers in the centre of northern Fennoscandia, 20-25.08.2017, Finland, Sweden, Norway.
- Börner, A., Rother, H., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Van Loon, A.J. Belzyt, S., 2017 – The GREBAL project – general overview about active tectonics and glacio-isostatic rebound in NE Germany. International Field Symposium – From past to present – Late Pleistocene, last deglaciation and modern glaciers in the centre of northern Fennoscandia, 20-25.08.2017, Finland, Sweden, Norway.
- Belzyt S., 2017 – Ore mineralization in fault zones in the Legnica-Głogów Copper District, the Rudna Mine, SW Poland. VIII Polish Conference Petrological and Mineralogical Studies in Geology, 1-2.06.2017 r., Kraków.
- Belzyt S., 2017 – Sejsmity – zapis aktywności tektonicznej. Metody badań i możliwości zastosowania w obszarach zlodowaconych w przeszłości geologicznej (Basen Morza Bałtyckiego). X Ogólnopolskie Warsztaty Geofizyczne GEOSFERA 2017, 20-23.04.2017 r., Chęciny.
- Belzyt S., Swęd M., 2015 – Historia badań mineralogicznych złoża miedzi na Górze Miedzianka w Górach Świętokrzyskich. IV Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Złoża kopalin 2015 – aktualne problemy prac poszukiwawczych, badawczych i dokumentacyjnych, 15–17.04.2015
- Woźniak, P.P., Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Woronko, B., Lamsters, K., Nartišs, M., Bitinas, A., M., 2021 – Liquefaction and re-liquefaction of sediments induced by uneven loading and glacigenic earthquakes: implications of results from the Latvian Baltic Sea coast. Sedimentary Geology, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.105944
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bitinas, A., Woronko, B., Phillips, E.R., Piotrowski, J.A., Jusienė, A., 2021 – Repetitive Late Pleistocene soft-sediment deformation by seismicity-induced liquefaction in north-western Lithuania. Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/sed.12883
- isarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Bitinas, A., Jusienė, A., Woronko, B., 2019 – Seismic shocks, periglacial conditions and glacitectonics as causes of the deformation of a Pleistocene meandering river succession in central Lithuania. Baltica 32: 63-77.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S, Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H., Steffen, H., Steffen, R., Van Loon, A.J., 2019 – The sea cliff at Dwasieden: Soft-sediment deformation structures triggered by glacial isostatic adjustment in front of the advancing Scandinavian Ice Sheet. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 2: 61-67.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Börner, A., Hoffmann, G., Hüneke, H., Kenzler, M., Obst, K., Rother, H., Van Loon, A.J. 2018 – Evidence from seismites for glacio-isostatically induced crustal faulting in front of an advancing land-ice mass (Rügen Island, SW Baltic Sea). Tectonophysics 745: 338-348.
- Woronko, B., Belzyt, S., Bujak, Ł., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., 2018 – Glaciotectonically deformed glaciofluvial sediments with ruptured pebbles (the Koczery study site, E Poland). Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland 90: 145-159.
- Woronko, B., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Karmazienė, D., Bitinas, A., Damušytė, A., 2018 – Multi-type soft-sediment deformation structures in glaciolacustrine kame sediments (Liciškėnai outcrop, S Lithuania). [In:] Pisarska-Jamroży, M. & Bitinas, A. (eds): Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, Vilnius, 10-15. ISBN: 978-9986-623-54-0.
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Bitinas, A., Damušytė, A., Woronko, B., 2018 – Soft-sediment deformation structures in the Pleistocene meandering-river floodplain (Slinkis outcrop, Central Lithuania). [In:] Pisarska-Jamroży, M. & Bitinas, A. (eds): Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, Vilnius, 16-20. ISBN: 978-9986-623-54-0.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Woronko, B., Bitinas, A., Damušytė, A., 2018 – Dozens of deformed layers sandwiched between undeformed layers in fluvial sediments (Kumečiai outcrop, Central Lithuania). [In:] Pisarska-Jamroży, M. & Bitinas, A. (eds): Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, Vilnius, 21-25. ISBN: 978-9986-623-54-0.
- Nartišs, M., Woronko, B., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Bitinas, A., 2018 – Injection structures and load casts in lagoon sediments (Sārnate outcrop, W Latvia). [In:] Pisarska-Jamroży, M. & Bitinas, A. (eds): Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, Vilnius, 32-37. ISBN: 978-9986-623-54-0.
- Belzyt, S., Nartišs, M., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Woronko, B., Bitinas, A., 2018 – Large-scale glaciotectonically-deformed Pleistocene sediments with deformed layers sandwiched between undeformed layers, Baltmuiža site, Western Latvia. [In:] Pisarska-Jamroży, M. & Bitinas, A. (eds): Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, Vilnius, 38-42. 978-9986-623-54-0.
- Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Belzyt, S., Bitinas, A., Jusienė, A., Damušytė, A., Woronko, B., 2018 – A glaciolacustrine succession (Dyburiai outcrop, NW Lithuania) with numerous deformed layers sandwiched between undeformed layers. [In:] Pisarska-Jamroży, M. & Bitinas, A. (eds): Soft-sediment deformation structures and palaeoseismic phenomena in the South-eastern Baltic Region. Lithuanian Geological Survey, Lithuanian Geological Society, Vilnius, 43-48. ISBN: 978-9986-623-54-0.
- Belzyt, S., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., 2017. W jaki sposób badać sejsmity? Przegląd metod badawczych [How to study seismites? A review of research methods – In Polish with English abstract and summary]. Acta Geographica Lodziensia 106: 171-180.